Utah Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

Strengthening Utah's Families | Protecting Children
For over 40 years, Prevent Child Abuse Utah has taught Utah's school communities how to recognize, resist, and report child abuse. Our curriculum was written with Utah values for Utah's parents, children, and educators. Together, we can create a brighter future for our families.

Our courses are now online
Adults Working with Youth
This online course teaches adults working with youth how to protect children from abuse.
A Course for Parents
This online course teaches parents how to protect their children from abuse and how to recognize it.
Latest Press
Knowledge is power. In our latest blog post, we break down what child sexual abuse is, the signs to watch for, and how we can all play a role in protecting children. Read more and be informed! #utahfamilies #UtahSchools #SafetyRules #OneinSeven #RecognizeResistReport #KeepKidsSafe #humantraffickingprevention
Children learn how to express emotions and handle conflict by watching the adults in their lives. Be the role model they need! Show them that respect, patience, and understanding are the strongest tools for resolving conflicts without harm. Learn more at the link in our bio! 💙 #MandatedReporter #Utahmoms #BodySafety #ChildPhysicalAbuse #utahfamilies #ProtectourKids
Prevention starts with healthy parenting! 💙 Creating a safe, supportive environment helps protect children from harm. Our latest blog explores positive discipline strategies, open communication, and ways to foster trust, because every child deserves to grow up feeling safe and loved. 📖✨ #utahfamilies #BodySafety #SafetyRules #ChildAbuseHotline #KeepKidsSafe #SafeSchools
Prevention starts with healthy parenting! 💙 Creating a safe, supportive environment helps protect children from harm. Our latest blog explores positive discipline strategies, open communication, and ways to foster trust, because every child deserves to grow up feeling safe and loved. 📖✨ #utahfamilies #BodySafety #SafetyRules #ChildAbuseHotline #KeepKidsSafe #SafeSchools
What does physical abuse look like? Bruises and injuries aren’t the only signs. Our latest blog breaks down the warning signs, patterns, and how to recognize when a child may be experiencing physical abuse. Awareness is the first step in protecting kids. Read more now! 📖💙 #ChildPhysicalAbuse #UtahPTA #UhOhFeeling #KeepKidsSafe #UEA