Utah Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention

Strengthening Utah's Families | Protecting Children
For over 40 years, Prevent Child Abuse Utah has taught Utah's school communities how to recognize, resist, and report child abuse. Our curriculum was written with Utah values for Utah's parents, children, and educators. Together, we can create a brighter future for our families.

Our courses are now online
Adults Working with Youth
This online course teaches adults working with youth how to protect children from abuse.
A Course for Parents
This online course teaches parents how to protect their children from abuse and how to recognize it.
Latest Press
We can`t do it alone! We count on parents like you to help us in our prevention efforts. When parents are engaged & communicating with their children, that prevents child abuse! Our latest blog shows how it doesn`t have to be difficult or uncomfortable to have these conversations. Check it out now at the link in our bio. #UtahPTA #SafetyRules #Utahmoms #RecognizeResistReport #KeepKidsSafe #CAP #ProtectourKids
These 5 simple steps can help you protect your child. Our latest blog dives in deep to these 5 tips, & provides a guide for parents who just need to know where to start. If you are interested in learning more, check out the link in our bio. #TrustedAdults #CSAPrevention #ChildAbuseHotline #USBE #ChildSexualAbuse #Utahmoms #UhOhFeeling
Even innocent secrets, like sneaking ice cream for dinner, can create a foundation for grooming behaviors, which often start small and escalate over time. Letting the adults in your child’s life know this rule, lays a great foundation for body safety. #CSAPrevention #PreventionEducation #Utahkids #CSA #utahfamilies #ChildAbuseHotline #USBE #StrangerDanger
The real danger isn’t a stranger. 91% of the time, it is coming from someone in a child’s circle of trusted family or friends. Check out the blog post (linked in our bio) to learn more! 🛑🤚
#childabuseprevention #utahfamilies #utah #utahmoms #utaheducators #homevisiting #teacherresources #preventioneducation