I remember growing up, we’d have read-a-thons, parents or guardians would come to school and read books with kids, and many other exciting and fun reading activities. These were some of my favorite and memorable moments of my childhood! This is one of the many reasons why you should read to your children. Read below to find out why you should read to your children!
Academic Success
First, reading to your children can help prepare them for academic success. Studies show that daily reading increases children’s vocabulary. In fact, one study showed that children who are regularly read to in the five years leading up to Kindergarten are exposed to 1.4 million more words than children who aren’t during those years!
Additionally, reading to your child helps them develop concentration skills. During story time, kids can practice focusing on one task. This practice helps them increase their concentration, develop a longer attention span, and have better self-discipline.
Reading to kids even helps them with reading comprehension and reading fluency! Even though these skills usually improve with school, you can give kids a headstart by reading to them during infancy and their toddler years.
Imagination & Creativity
Second, reading introduces children to new worlds and ideas! Reading a story to a child gives them the chance to use their imagination and get creative. Giving kids space to get creative helps them develop their hobbies and interests.
Social & Emotional Development
Third, books teach children life lessons and help parents talk about real-world situations in age-appropriate ways. Stories can help kids learn how to navigate different social situations. Most importantly, reading teaches children to listen and understand. I remember when I was young, a group of friends and I created a game based on “The Boxcar Children.” We got to use our imaginations and get creative, and we also got to connect, learn and problem-solve together. It was fun to make a game based on a book we read together!
Bonding & Memories
Finally, reading to your child helps you bond. Setting aside time to read allows you and your child to connect and share a few moments. Experts say that reading to children creates a solid parent-child relationship. Plus, kids will have long-lasting positive memories of reading which will help them become lifelong readers!
Being read to is an important part of childhood! The next time you have a few spare minutes, take the time to read to your children. Follow along on Facebook and Instagram for ideas on books and how to start reading early with your child! You can also connect with one of our Parent Educators to help prepare your child for academic success!