Article originally published by ABC4 on April 29, 2024
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (Good Things Utah) – Abuse prevention education can help cut abuse in half. Prevent Child Abuse Utah works to prevent child abuse through its school-based prevention program. PCAU has been teaching child abuse prevention in Utah schools for more than 40 years. PCAU’s trained team goes into schools every week to teach students, parents, and educators how to recognize, resist, and report child abuse.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month. In an effort to spread awareness and help educate the community on how to help prevent and stop abuse from evening happening, Good Things Utah has partnered with Prevent Child Abuse Utah and NAACP Salt Lake Branch in April to create better awareness.

PCAU’s child abuse prevention program is taught in classrooms. It is age-appropriate and family centered. Topics covered include body safety and coming up with 5 trusted adults kids can talk to if they ever feel uncomfortable. The program receives rave reviews from parents and teachers.
Visit PCAUtah.org for more information about child abuse prevention education in Utah and to schedule a session for your school, family, business, or organization.