5 Tips to Beat Seasonal Depression

January 15, 2023
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Last week we talked about some ways to keep our schools safe. This week “winter is coming” and we are going to be going over a common mental illness that has been in effect since the beginning of the year. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder also known as Seasonal depression. 

The seasons affect us all differently and seasonal affective disorder can have a way of slowly draining us of our natural energy.

 “Winter is coming.” 

Let’s face it winter is here and the best parts of the season are behind us, January has a way of sneaking up on us and while some of us may have the ability to set goals to improve ourselves, others might need help just getting through the day. When the lights come down and all is no longer merry and bright, Seasonal Depression has a way of controlling our habits and putting us in a droopy mindset. This week we are going to be sharing some easy tips to defeat the beast that is seasonal depression, for everyone that’s just trying to get through this difficult time of year. 

1- Reach Out 

When was the last time you had a face to face interaction that wasn’t for work or ordering a coffee?

It’s important that we all have at least one person who understands how difficult this time of year is and can offer us empathy for our situation. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of isolation because the truth is friendship can feel like work sometimes. When we can barely get ourselves out of bed and get through the day, going out with friends might feel like the last thing you want to do.

However there are times when reaching out might feel impossible and if you or someone you know is struggling with isolation or suicidal thoughts remember you are not alone the suicide prevention hotline is 988 

2- Vitamin D 

Vitamin D is known as the “sunshine vitamin.” It plays a huge role in our mental health, with less sunlight in our days we need to make sure our bodies are getting that precious vitamin elsewhere. Foods like tuna, liver, salmon, milk, and orange juice can help with this however studies show the best way is through daily supplements. So the next time you are at the grocery store consider making an investment in some vitamin D. The sunshine vitamin is a great weapon for battling the long winter nights! To read more click here!

3- Gratitude 

Make time to remember the things you are grateful! Doing so improves sleep quality, raises self esteem, helps us through trauma, and improves mental health. One of the easiest ways to practice graduate is to pick a mindless everyday task like brushing your teeth or taking a shower and use that time to name 10 things you are grateful for. It might feel underwhelming at first but by making a habit of forcing yourself to acknowledge the positive, over time, that graduate will start to feel more and more genuine. We can not choose to be happy but we can choose to be grateful. 

4- Exercise 

Moving your body is important, getting that blood pumping is an essential part to getting through this season. Remember anything is better than nothing with exercise, set a goal to do one sit up, chances are that one sit up will turn into five sit ups, and then maybe even ten. But even if it doesn’t, a little bit of movement is better than none, and that deserves to be celebrated. 

5 – Counseling 

In order to get through these dark days, discussing your feelings and experiences with a professional therapist, a social worker, or a psychiatrist can give us some perspective that we really need. Therapy can also teach you to recognize triggers and adopt coping skills for anxiety and depression. 

If you would like more tips to help with mental health and parenting, check out our home visiting programs.
